Monday, June 23, 2008

Wedding Anniversity Celebrated at Sea, June 17

Captain Jeremy Kingston, a Brit, LaVahn and M. F. renewing wedding vows on June 17, 2008 onboard the MV Explorer, Semester at Sea.

The celebration took place in the faculty/staff lounge in the bow of the ship. To M.F.'s surprise, LaVahn arranged for a "special occasion" dinner in a private dining area. Once he told M.F. that it had been arranged, she suggested that we also renew our wedding vows if the captain performed such an event. She didn't get her hopes up thinking this might just happen in the movies. As you can see, the Captain agreed and will provide us with a signed and sealed certificate at some point.

We had a five course dinner with champagne at a cost of $25. per person. We mention the cost only because we aren't use to such low prices for a five course dinner, no charge for renting the facility either. We invited four people, Karen Ryan, Academic Dean on the voyage (from UVA), Rachel Most (faculty from UVA, also a dean there), Allen Lynch (faculty UVA and our new best friend), Amy Bippus from U of CA, Longbeach.

The dinner was definitely the best meal we've had on ship. We are waiting for the special invitation from the Captain for dinner. This is unlike dinner with the Captain on cruise ships where he and his staff members receive all passengers for a group dinner which is really no different from any other dinner on the ship. I understand that before this voyage is over we, as members of a small group at a time, will receive an engraved invitation to dine with him; another five course meal. How does the Captain keep his "figger"?

Speaking of dinner, we've been told ahead of time that the food is good but not great. Well, that too is unlike a cruise ship where all the dinners are superb as are the desserts. Most meals on this voyage have been okay to good and then others have left alot to be desired. Also, unlike cruise ships, all meals are cafeteria-style.

The chef's idea of salad every day is Romaine lettuce, tomatoes with occasional carrots, cukes and on hamburger nights, onions.

Toasting for the cameraman. Gordon (?) and Allen Lynch, who teaches Global Studies. Two session per day in the Union (auditorium). It is required of all students and requested that everyone else take it.

During the toast. Before the ceremony began, the hotel manager came into the lounge and informed the bar tender that he was to serve champange and wine on the house as it were. It just doesn't flow to say on the ship. (NO PUN INTENDED) During the toast. Ship's video photograher in background. Of course, we've purchased the DVD! Another view of the faculty/staff lounge.
M.F. had an interesting conversation and with the captain and will share sometime when/if you're interested.

M.F. and Karen Ryan.

On the left is, of course, LaVahn, Karen Ryan, Gordon (?) faculty (can't remember his name and Mary Johnston, Librarian (all f rom University of Virginia).


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Aug 7: Yes, heartiest! We raised a glass for you on the 17th (altho not timed to the hour, wherever you were), and again for ours on the 19th for a lovely lunch at Palladio's. No entries now for a month and a half? Are you busy or celebrating? Love the pics. Hope it's still fun. You're in the lap of luxury. Best to Barry if he's still aboard.
Bill & Joan